Unlike other editors who included pieces on fossils in early American works for children, the editor of the Juvenile Gazette doesn’t speculate much about kind of animal whose remains are succinctly described in “Teeth.” By 1819, the mammoth had been described and theorized about, and it was becoming clear that the animal no longer lived on the North American continent. The emphasis here isn’t on what the creature must have looked like, but on its sheer size.

“Teeth” (from Juvenile Gazette, January 1820; p. 4)

Four teeth of the mammoth or some very large animal were dug up in Oxford, in the State of New Jersey, on the 13th of November last. They were about 2 feet under ground. Two of the teeth weigh 3 pounds each; the other two weigh about 2 pounds each. Some bones were also found with the teeth, most of which crumbled to pieces. One of them, after it had crumbled considerably, still measured nearly two feet round. This was thought to be a part of one of the tusks.

Copyright 1999-2025, Pat Pflieger
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