With the American Civil War ended, Independence day of 1865 was especially festive, in the pages of The Student and Schoolmate. “July 4, 1865" probably was written for its patriotic illustration, which appears here larger than in the magazine.

“July 4, 1865,” by “Lulie” (from Student and Schoolmate, July 1865; pp. 6-7)
six white children and a dog run with an American flag

Children, sing for the happiest birth-day

The dear, dear land ever knew!

Wave out the red-lit white of her banner!

Wave out the starry blue!

O, the sun of our Jubilee morning

Never so brightly shone

As now, when it welcomes peace returning

With rebellion overthrown!

Little ones, ’mid the city’s tumult—

Children of poor and proud,—

Join in the heartfelt mirth, inspiring

All of the eager crowd!

Children, out in the sweet, fresh country,

Far from the city gay,—

Forming your own little bright procession

All in your own wild way.

p. 7

Sing, O sing, for Columbia’s birth-day!

Shout for Freedom, Peace,

Lifting your hearts to the Lord in heaven

Who granteth the land’s release.

Bring the merry roses, children—

Ring the merry bells!

Bring to our Independence morning

all that of gladness tells.

Eyes lit up with the new-born glory—

Cheeks flushed red with joy—

Joy for the conquering Right that cheers

Every girl and boy.

Gay little tireless feet run swiftly,

Sped by the happy heart—

Curls float back on the summer breeze

Blown from the bright brow apart.

Following after, dear old Bruno,

Partner of all their play;

Lifts up his brute voice, blindly rejoicing,—

Seeming as glad as they.

Far and wide, let our country’s children,

Hearts to the mother-heart true,

Shout and sing for the happiest birth-day

The dear, dear land ever knew!

Copyright 1999-2025, Pat Pflieger
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